Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (2024)

All these features were costly in weight and the airplane would have a take-off weight of 11,600 lb. (5,262 kg) which was more than twice the weight of its contemporaries such as the Supermarine Spitfire, the Hawker Hurricane, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the Curtiss P-40 and Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Despite the monstrous size of the P-47, it would turn out to be one of the best three USAAF fighters of the war—the other two being the North American P-51 Mustang and the Lockheed P-38 Lightning.
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (1)
The XP-47B prototype.

A contract was awarded on September 6, 19403 for the new XP-47B prototype and the maiden flight was only eight months later on May 6, 1941.4 The new plane dwarfed its pilots and all previous fighters, but it still proved to be an outstanding success. It was able to do everything Kartveli had hoped, and achieved a greater than expected speed of 412 mph (663 kph).5 Numerous problems were encountered during development, such as excessive control loads at high altitude and the canopy could not be opened at altitudes above 30,000 ft. Corrections included: balance panels to reduce rudder loads; blunt nose ailerons; a jettisonable sliding canopy to replace the hinged co*ckpit door; and all-metal flight controls to replace the fabric covered controls used on the prototype.6 (It was found during testing that the fabric flight controls would balloon out due to changes in atmospheric pressure.) The XP-47B crashed on August 8, 1942, but not before many problems had been solved.7 Despite the crash, an initial order was placed by the USAAC for 171 P-47Bs and 602 P-47Cs.8

One of the outstanding features of the P-47 was its remarkable acceleration when the aircraft was put into a dive. Any plane that attempted to break off contact by going into a dive would soon be overcome by the remarkable speed of the P-47. Once the P-47 caught up to its prey, one burst from its eight 0.50 machine guns would obliterate anything it got a bead on.

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (2) To illustrate the rapidity of the increase in airspeed of the P-47 in a high speed dive, an event occurred during testing on November 13, 1942 by Lieutenant Harold Comstock and Roger Dyar of the 63rd Fighter Group who were performing a test level run at 30,000 feet at over 400 mph. After the first run, they put their P-47Cs into a dive to go to the next level for testing and during the dive, the airplane's speed increased very rapidly. Within seconds their airspeed indicated the equivalent of 725 mph.9 As velocity increased, they experienced extreme buffeting as they were approaching the realm of compressibility. Fortunately, they were able to recover, unlike others who experienced the same phenomena, and began dive recovery at too low an altitude to experience what is euphemistically called "uncontrolled flight into terrain."

At this altitude, this airspeed would put them beyond the speed of sound, but this would only be indicated airspeed since the terminal velocity of the P-47 is 600 mph,10 and the airspeed indicator was a straight pitot-static system with no air data computer for altitude and temperature correction. Also one would have to wonder how this airspeed was calculated since the early P-47 airspeed indicators only went up to 500 mph. To clarify this, the airspeed indicated was the equivalent of 725 mph, so the indicated airspeed would be calculated by engineering on the ground. Since this phenomena was not unique only to the P-47, later model airspeed indicators showed airspeeds up to 700 mph.

The conventional three-bladed propeller could not efficiently utilize the power of the new engine, and a four-bladed propeller was adopted. Although this propeller was an admirable solution to the power gearing of the engine, the problem remained of providing sufficient ground clearance for its 12-foot (3.66 m) diameter. If a conventional undercarriage were to be employed, its suspension would have been too far outboard to permit the wing installation of the guns and ammunition requested by the USAAF. Therefore, Kartveli had to design a telescopic landing gear which was nine inches shorter retracted, than when extended. Numerous other problems were to be faced in absorbing the loads and stresses which would be imposed when a battery of eight 0.50 caliber guns, (a phenomenal heavy armament for that time) were fired simultaneously, and in providing the necessary tankage for the quantities of fuel stipulated to make the machine the first true single-engined strategic fighter.

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (3)

The P-47D-15-RE Thunderbolt on top, was the first version to have underwing pylons to use droppable fuel tanks. Below is a P-47D-1 with white bands on the nose and tail to distinguish it from the Focke-Wulf Fw 190A.

The P-47B entered USAAF service in November 1942, becoming officially operational with the Eighth Air Force stationed in the UK on April 8, 1943. However, the P-47B's range was not adequate for escort duties and its maneuverability at low and medium altitude was poor. Since it was almost twice as heavy as its opponents, it exhibited a poor rate of climb, but had other advantages that more than compensated where it was lacking. In spite of its early shortcomings, the P-47 at least showed promise as a measure of real protection for Allied bombers which had previously suffered very heavy losses.

In January 1943, when the USAAF's 56th Fighter Group arrived in the United Kingdom with its massive Republic P-47 Thunderbolts, RAF Spitfire fighter pilots banteringly suggested that their American colleagues would be able to take evasive action, when attacked by undoing their harnesses and dodging about the fuselages of their huge mounts. Although the Thunderbolt was certainly big, making it the largest and heaviest WWII single engined single-seat fighter ever built, its sheer size was not to prove detrimental to the Thunderbolt's subsequent operational career.

The first tasks of the Thunderbolt were high-altitude escort duties and fighter sweeps in which the new aircraft acquitted itself well, despite the inexperience of its pilots. It was soon discovered that the heavy Thunderbolt could out-dive any Luftwaffe fighter, or for that matter, any Allied fighter. This provided a decisive method of breaking off combat when necessary, but at low and medium altitudes it could not match the rate of climb or maneuverability of German fighters. It's one main shortcoming was that of insufficient range to permit deep penetration into Germany, but means were already being sought to add to the P-47B's 305 US gallons of internal fuel.

At the time of the Thunderbolt's European debut, radial-engined single-seat fighters were a rarity, the only other such fighter operational in Europe being the Focke-Wulf Fw 190A. To prevent confusion between the two fighters of the opposing sides, the engine cowlings of the Thunderbolts were painted white and white bands were painted around the vertical and horizontal tail surfaces—an appropriate comment on recognition standards appertaining at that time, as it would seem impossible to mistake the sleek and beautifully-contoured German fighter for the portly Thunderbolt. However, mistakes in aircraft recognition were common while making split-second decisions in the frantic pace of combat.

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (4)

By mid-1943, improved P-47Cs were becoming available with external fuel tanks to increase range and a longer fuselage to improve maneuverability. The P-47D was the major production version of which 12,602 were produced. Early P-47Ds looked very much similar to the P-47C, but there were 21 variants of this model. 354 P-47Gs were built by Curtiss in Buffalo and 130 P-47Ms were built with a 2,500 hp engine giving a maximum speed of 473 mph (761 km/h). The P-47M version was used for anti V1 Flying Bomb duties.

The final model, the P-47N, had extended wings and an additional 100 US gallons of fuel. It was developed too late to see much action in Europe and was primarily used in the Pacific theater. The fastest model was the XP-47J, which did not go into production. On August 4, 1944, this plane reached a level speed of 504 mph. Production plans were shelved in favor of another P-47 development, the Republic XP-72.

P-47s flew more than 546,000 combat sorties between March 1943 and August 1945, destroying 11,874 enemy aircraft, some 9,000 locomotives and about 6,000 armored vehicles and tanks. Only 0.7 per cent of the fighters of this type dispatched against the enemy were lost in combat. As a testament to the survivability of the P-47, it should be noted that the top ten aces who flew the P-47 returned home safely. Before the war was over, a total of 15,579 Thunderbolts were built, about two-thirds of which reached operational squadrons overseas.

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (5)

The final version, the P-47N, was built primarily for use against the Japanese in the Pacific theater. Shown is a XP-47N fitted with a bubble canopy.

One Pilot's Initial Reaction To The P-47 Introduction

One day in January 1943, General Hunter, the Commander of the 8th Fighter Command, came to visit us at Debden. He said he had a surprise for us. We were soon to re-equip with the very latest American fighter, the P-47 Thunderbolt. As he spoke we heard an unusual engine noise outside and one of the new fighters landed and taxied up beside one of our Spitfires. We went outside to look it over. It was huge—the wing tip of the P-47 came higher than the co*ckpit of the Spitfire. When we strapped into a Spitfire we felt snug and part of the aircraft—the Thunderbolt co*ckpit, on the other hand, was so large that we felt if we slipped off the goddamned seat we would break a leg! We were horrified at the thought of going to war in such a machine: we had enough trouble with the Focke-Wulf 190's in our nimble Spitfire Vs—now this lumbering seven-ton monster seemed infinitely worse, a true air inferiority fighter. Initial mock dog-fights between Thunderbolts and Spitfires seemed to confirm these feelings—we lost four Thunderbolt pilots in rapid succession, spinning in from low level, while trying to match Spitfires in turns. In the end our headquarters issued an order banning mock dog fighting in Thunderbolts below 8,000 feet.

Gradually, we learned how to fight in the Thunderbolt. At high altitude, she was a hot ship and very fast in the dive; the technique was not to mix it with the enemy, but to pounce on him from above, make one quick pass and get back up to altitude; if anyone tried to escape from a Thunderbolt by diving, we had him cold. Even more important, at last we had a fighter with the range to penetrate deeply into enemy territory—where the action was. So, reluctantly, we had to give up our beautiful little Spitfires and convert to the new juggernauts. The war was moving on and we had to move with it.

The change to the Thunderbolt might have been necessary militarily, but my heart remained with the Spitfire. Even now, thirty years after I flew them on operations, the mere sound or sight of a Spitfire brings me a deep feeling of nostalgia and many pleasant memories. She was such a gentle little airplane, without a trace of viciousness. She was a dream to handle in the air. I feel genuinely sorry for the modern fighter pilot who has never had the chance to get his hands on a Spitfire—he will never know what real flying was like.

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (2024)


What made the P-47 Thunderbolt special? ›

Nicknamed the “Jug” (short for “Juggernaut”) by its pilots, it was very tough to shoot down. Yet, because of its outstanding turbocharger, the P-47 had a service ceiling of over 40,000 feet—yet it was the heaviest single engine fighter of WWII. More than 15,600 Thunderbolts were manufactured between 1941 and 1945.

What did the Germans call the P-47 Thunderbolt? ›

Nicknamed “The Jug” short for Juggernaut, the P-47 Thunderbolt offered a new piece of arsenal against the German Luftwaffe.

Are there any P-47 Thunderbolts still flying? ›

Just three 'Razorbacks' are still flying today, making this serious WW-II combatant even rarer than the F-6F Hellcat! This aircraft is a well known veteran of the Pacific Theatre which was force-landed largely undamaged into swampy ground in New Guinea in October 1943.

How much horsepower does a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt have? ›

Thunderbolt pilots flew into battle with the roar of a 2,000-horsepower radial engine and the flash of eight . 50 caliber machine guns. This combination of a robust, reliable engine and heavy armament made the P-47 a feared ground-attack aircraft.

Did pilots like the P-47? ›

Used in every major theatre of the war, the Thunderbolt was loved by its pilots - and feared by its enemies - for its deadly combination of high firepower and bomb-carrying capabilities. Nicknamed the 'Jug', the P-47 would destroy over 7,000 enemy aircraft during the war.

What was the fastest plane in WWII? ›

The Messerschmitt Komet was the fastest aircraft of the Second World War, and the only rocket-powered fighter plane ever to be used in combat. Yet it was not as successful as expected, only shooting down nine Allied aircraft for a loss of 14 Komets.

What did the Luftwaffe think of the P-47? ›

Re: Luftwaffe Technical Intelligence on the P-47

They don't seem to be impressed by its climb rate at all. Why would they, the P-47 was a six ton interceptor with undersized wings, and the machine was (unsurprisingly) gave a very sluggish impression at low medium altitudes.

Was the P-47 hard to fly? ›

P-47's and P-38's were being flown straight into the ground, or even breaking up in flight. The learning curve was far steeper than it had ever been before.

Which was better, P51 or P-47? ›

The P-51's superior speed, range, and maneuverability might help in a dogfight, but the P-47 survived hits from weapons far more powerful than the M2 Browning — notably the 20mm and 30mm cannon on German fighters like the FW-190 or Me-109.

Why was the P-47 so big? ›

“It's big and beefy,” said Air Force Heritage Flight pilot Charles “Tuna” Hainline. “It was built that way largely because of the ducting for the turbocharger system that ran in the belly of the airplane, so it made it more of a round, barrel shape.”

Was the P-47 a good fighter? ›

The P-47 proved to be a formidable fighter-bomber due to its good armament, heavy bomb load, and ability to survive enemy fire.

How many P47s were shot down? ›

Of the 15,683 P-47s built between 1941 and 1945, only 3,499 were lost in combat. The Thunderbolt on display at the Hazy Center is one of only a few dozen that survived the conflict and the march of time. Built in 1944, this P-47D-30-RA was used primarily as an aerial gunnery trainer in the United States.

What is the cruising speed of the P-47 Thunderbolt? ›

Speeds Max: 426 mph at 30,000 ft.; Landing: 106 mph; Climb 6 min. to 15,000 ft.; 13.5 min to 30,000 ft. Fuel internal: 305 U.S. gal.

What was the fastest P-47? ›

The XP-47J was first flown on November 26, 1943, and on August 4, 1944, it became the first piston-engined fighter to exceed 500 mph, with a speed of 504 mph, making it the fastest Thunderbolt variant.

What is the difference between P-38 lightning and P-47? ›

The P-47 was designed by Republic Aviation and had a single-engine, single-seat, low-wing configuration. The P-38 was designed by Lockheed and had a twin-engine, single-seat, twin-boom configuration. Both planes had turbocharged engines that enabled them to perform well at high altitudes.

What are the advantages of the P-47? ›

Though the Thunderbolt was outclimbed and outturned by German Me 109s and Fw 190s at low altitudes, it was as fast as the Luftwaffe fighters on the level and could outdive anything. More important, its turbo-supercharged engine gave the P-47 the advantage at altitudes above 30,000 feet (9,100 metres).

Was the P-47 Thunderbolt a good fighter? ›

The P-47 proved to be a formidable fighter-bomber due to its good armament, heavy bomb load, and ability to survive enemy fire.

Why didn't the US Air Force use the F-47 Thunderbolt in the Korean war? ›

Why didn't the Air Force use the F-47 in Korea? There are several reasons, including budget limitations and shortages of spare parts, a nearly complete focus by the Air Force on strategic nuclear bombing in the post-World War II years, and the transition to jet-powered aircraft.


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