The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS. CHARLOTTESVILLE VA. 'SATURDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1942 Cave In Game Here Tomorrow (Cards May Top Boston's Feat Of 1914 Season Braves Come From! Bottom Of. League By Judson Baller Asocialed Press Writer The strangest pennant race of time In 1911 when the Boston Bravia paraded from last to Aral Ar.d undying fame In a few weeksbut the St. Louts Cardinals will have accomplished a feat in some respects more dimcult if they come hame in front next week: Almost, everybody remembers that the Braves were last in MidJuly that year and that they spurt.

ed to the top. Most people pare forgotten the details. Actually It was one of the tightest races from top to bottom in J.r League history 'and even though the Braves were in last place. on July 18, when they started te spin, they were only 11.1-4 games from the 3. It was a battle royal with every cub trampling on every other club and.

Boston made its climb to the top by winning 15 games and losing ten between July 18 and Sept. This year the Cardinals were ten tames on the pace as late' as Aug. 6, even though they were in second place. And when they made their move they delivered the most punfishing blows themselves with min. imum of help from the other clubs Wen Games Bitwesa Aug.

8 and Sept. when they took over Aret place clusively, the Cardinals Fames and lost eight They have won four more without an interrup tion since then and have earned thimselves lead of three full Tc make their achievement coinpiete, of course, they must keep on tut they win the pennant. They have eight more games to play-today and tomorrow at Chicago and two each at home next week against the Cuba, Pittaburch Pirates and Cincinnati Reds. If the Redbirds win seven out of these which is not too much expect from the spirited St. Louis kida, they can clinch the pent no, matter whether the Dodgers win all their remaining ten.

And inasmuch the Dedgers have shown no signs of being able to win ten straight--even though seven are with the Phila, two with the' Boston Braves and one with the New York Giants- the Cardinais may' had it: necessary la nail only Ave or Both teams were idle yesterdaythe Cardinals having a day off and the Dodgers running Into Inclement wrather for the Arst Installment of their series with the Phils. Today St. Louts planned to sand Mort Cooper against his former teammate, Lon Warneke, and the Dodgers. boasted Curt Davis opposite Rube Melton. The postponed game will be played Monday on what was to have bedn open date Only one other Major Langue contest was on yesterday's program and In it the "Cincinnati Rede smashed the Pittsburgh Pirates $1 with a four-run rally in the ninth Protect Jewelry Furs 1.

Valuable Jewels and sive tars need "All Risks" insurance protection. The policy insures against practically every insurable hazard anywhere thist the property may. be. 44 Full details no obligation BUT U. WAR BONDS STAMPS! CITY MORTGAGE INSURANCE CO.

Phones 486-698 Market Street- Opposite Post Office? THE TRAVELERS. Pulaski Defeats Lynchburg Team; Resume Play Tonight LINCHBURG. Sept. -The Lynchburg Senators, who saw their Anal early. lead playoff in.

vanish under a de the Virginia League's lest at Pulaski last night, returned home today. for the next three games of the series. Last might's tussle was a light burlers' duel an the way, but the Crunta put their. six blows to gather while, Lynchburg could set 09 more than one la an inning. The long rue la the drat.

stanunearned McKenna walk. went to second on Pitcher War ter Smola's wide throw to Arst ta or effort to catch him off the sack, made third on manager Wes Fer. reit's single and scored on Alvis' Emola and. Dick of Lynchburg each allowed six hits, but the Counts didn't start retting them the fourth. Dodson doubled and scored on: Loman's single this Inning.

Rudistil singled, stole second and came home 00 Loman's the sixth, and the scoring ended in the seventh when Manager Jack Crosswhite walked, went to third on Flint's single and scored on Smola's drive to centerfield. Two were out. Lynchburg won the opening game Wednesday night at Pulaski Greensboro's Streak Of Wins 21 Woody Johnson, finally broke the Greensboro Red Sax's winning streak at ten games and the Portsmouth Cube returned home today with an even break. in the first twe rames of the Piedmont Langue's Shaughnessy. playoff finals Johnson pitched the Cute 1-0 triumph at Greensboro night in a' smart mound duel with mouth- Hurler's trowski, who equalled the 20-rame winner, a ande, except for fatal double and single in quick succession in the fourth inning.

Henry. Schens, Cub second' base man, scored the lone run'i Smith's safety after out the double The Red Box 'took the firit game of the series 8 to 1. The clubs, will play la mouth tonight, Sunday and' day, and return to Greensboro it additional games are necessary. To remove. 'inflammation and pain caused by a beat sting.

cover the Injured parts. as quickly as possible with paste of vinegar, and baking soda. Repeat twice. inning. John Vandei Meer.

pitching fourbit 'ball for his 17th riven a tidy battle by Jack Hallett, Rookie strikeout king Just up from the International League, but In the Anal frame Lonnie Frey and Max Marshal each hit doubles with the bases loaded for two pairs of runs. guard your health by daily weighing Dectars will tell you weight la an index to health, and by daily weighing you can guard against vitality stealing weight losses and weight gains, Today, with the country's need for increased productios making more mands on everyone's stamina and endurance, it la doubly tatportant to guard -your health. and watch your weight. Start "Welght Control for Victory" campaign ta your boate now. And start' it right by rotting" accurate Health Meter health acale for.

your entire family daily $5.95 low. Meter Timberlake' Drug Store 103 Delivery And Whirly. Will Race Today Meet la Scheduled For Narragansett Sid Feder PAWTUCKET, R. 1, Sept. 19 Unless Al Sabath has a night mare, the "dream -race" between Wairlaway and Alsab comes off 5:20 P.

M. (EWT) at Narragansett Park Sabath is the Chicago lawyer who owns Alsab and the only reason this collision of the four-years Whirly and the three-year-old Alasb didn't come ed week ago in the Narra go special was because Sabath decided bla colt had arrived, this Rhode Island plant too late to carry out his training sched. Although the colt was entered to the regular way a week ago Fridas, and Trainer Sarge Swenke paid the colt "was in the best shape of his lite," Sabath Insisted on withdrawing the hard hitting Good Goods from the special in Our Wide helps with end HILL IRVING AND which an receipts and.a portion of the purses of horsem*n were gives Army-and Nary Relief. Narragansett immediately, put up $25,000 for a match race to run today, with Whirly, packing 128 pc unde and Alsab 119 on the weight for ago scale. They'll travel mile and three sixteenths and the Arst one home picks up.

the whole pay. check, Top Wiener The race brings together 1 the top two stretch-runners of recent years. Whirlaway, out of the Calumet stable of Warren the Chicago and Lexington (Ky.) sportsman, the turf's top money winner, with $421,134 La his bank account, unitas most of the boys and are wrong he'll become the half-million dollar bread winner blatory today. it. 5 4 PAGE LIGHT Bill 'Harman Will Pitch For Wayneoboro, Latter For Charlottesville The Charlottesville Athletics newly crowned Tri-County Lesgue Champions will the Waynes bero All -Stare tomorrew on Melaturw High School Field at 8:00 P.

M. The All-Barteam la picked from the Industrial League la Waynes hero and should prove a tough an signment for the Athletica, ticularly since BIll Harman. pitch for the Waynesboro boys The Athletics will most probably and their season 'against Playing Manager Billy Williams Has secured Alex Care, University of Virginia's star twirler to pitch Sunday: Cave hes worked out most -of the week for (bia Williams will have the fellawing lineup for tomorrows Pete MoGann, second: Johnnie 'Geer, Catcher; Hicky Wood, third; Happy Durham, Short: Willams. center Meld: Jimmie Gibson, right. Bald: Buddy Cook, left held; Neal Wade or Nipper Chisholm.

Brat and Alex Care, pitcher. Harman; now Athletic for, Waynesbore High School, stet pitcher and for the University few years ago, after which he played a while with the Tatiadelphia Athletics, Chips About Charlottesville this When together, the Rucker Home Crippled and about the youngsters are ale the University reminde him with something Franked: Court Hall" Police Wednesday drunk asked The the Court that claimed Lien's Toni Tom Hunter and Lawton passed such pinching car, etc. from 000 another down the line, During Lawton Scott smsared Keister liberally with Mystick. Even vigorous rubbing Arrow Gordon favorite: cloth shirt $2.50 WOOD'S MAIN To Oppose ODELL PITT THE FIELD. -COMING HEAD FOOTBALL CONCH OF REMOVING FROM THE DON HOUSE! COACH 4 WHICH THE NEW VALE MENTOR AND STRATEGIST WITH ANY KIND OF MATERIAL HAVEN IN SOME STRACUSE, N.

T. Sept. Unless Major Wallace Wade and Steve Owen have 'aerial weprizes up their coaching alcoves. tonight's western Army New York Giants came should be ground battle. That makes Wade's soldiers alight favorites to and their fiveArmy relief series with, a victory before: some 30,000 fans in University's Archbold stadium.

The kickoff. is at 8:30 P. M. (Eastern War Time); The Army gridders, burdened with a schedule of live tusales against National Football League competition 'in three weeks, have bowed twice, In both defeats they were overwhelmed by pass Tammy Baugh, hurled Washington Redskins: to a 26-7 win over the soldiera. The Green Bay Packers filled the atr.

to triumph, Chicago and Detroit produced ho serial artlat, and the Army down. with a handkerchief still left. glow. Thia coupled with the presence ad 18 charming beauty contestanta, would require that Doo" all vita's techniques to Western Army Gridders Favored To Win Tonight's Game In N. the Cardinals, 16-10, at' troit.

and, the Lions, 12-0, at. De The Army power led by John. Kimbrough, 310-pound former All- American from Texas MA. whe has scored five of his team's seven touchdowns, two on 85-yard runbacks of kickoffs The soldiers hare 206-pound line and a 105-pound backfield. Wade's ment have scored a lone pointe by passing, against Detroit.

The Gianta also are weak on forward passing. In their 16-0 loss last Saturday to Robert Ney. land's 'Eastern Army Al1-Stare, they completed eight of. 13 tosses for a mere 14 yards. are expected to boost to $180,000 the western team's umated contribution to- the Army Emergency Rellet, Fund.

The Army aquad will disband after the Jim Gillette; Grid Star, To Enter Navy James Thomas Gillette, former star halfback at the Univeralty, has been commissioned an ensign in the UBNR. it was announced by Lieutenan William Moise, of the Office of Naval Of. Nicer Procurement In Richmond. Gillette who captained the 1939 Cavalier eleven, will report to' the naval training, school at Boston, Masa, October for temporary active His home is at land, Va, and he has been working in Charleston, W. Vas Air Force Trainees Meet Miss Mermaid 4r MAXWELL FIELD, ALA: The men of: Maxwell Field may not look like' mermaida but they'll 'be able to out-perform the mythical ladies of the oceans af.

ter they complete a program of aquatia training Instituted at this Army Air Force's training station. Besides learning. to swim, the men will to take care of themselves in water. Escape from parachutes under water also will he taught. 3 Tortoises found on the Galaparos Islands weigh up to 400 pounds.

a The Perpetual Flame Friendlinen and Service Phone 1100. for unercelled service within the means of all MILL FUNERAL HOME Market) to. $100 at was picked the sales age WOO more than No 1 Georgie (the loemas) "money rider" will handle Whirly he did a week age la Mr. Big Tall to bia the Narragansett rod has the Asset. The track's share on this race wit Nary relief.

Jo Relieve LOUD DELIVERY Las the WINTE your coal when yes was but when carried coal Tralee an ment. an Don't be LUMBER the winter ahead, the i Clean Clothes Last Longer Dirt and grime' left in fabrics gradual wear. delicate threads. Eliminate hazard. Have clothes Saxton cleaned often! Saxton fluids give new life to make them new looking! And Remember to to PHONE 185 SAXTON'SNext to Fire De stories this week of bay and his dog killing.

a rattler and C. D. McCauley shooting copparband his home, comes the of bridge game Interrupted a The incident occurred one. of our suburban homes. The foursome was earnestly when scream from' 'anothe or member of the family drew them to the hall.

There, an the stair step lay a yard-long: rat snake. They retreated for weapons, and with the skillful use of a puttor and Are' longe, managed to move the reptile outside, where he was killed with the rolf. club. 'Moral: Be sure there's a golfer in the crowd Those who have the dahlias currently blooming in the garden of J. B.

Desper say they are among the best and most beautiful ever grown In: these parta Jamme the music master, has competition for his melodies at home now. The professor and Mrs. Berdahl have just announced the birth of al son, Andrew Lawls Berdahl-and it is reported the notes that exude from the powerful young lungs are not exactly in. harmony with the melodies the professor TAPPAN Range 3 Brings you Tel-U-Set: Divided Cooking top. Visualite Oven Mighty Mite burn.

er (lifetime guarantee), Your Gas Dept. City Hall Now Last Call OUR SEMI -ANNUAL NOTION SALE Thousands Of Useful Kitchen Household Ned VALUES TO Pocket Combs Holders Mens Combs, Dish Clothes Dressing Combs Dish Mops Colored Rat Tail -Pants Pockets Combs Strainers Bobby Pins Corers Petroleum Jelly Paring Sandwich Knives Bag Roll Mugs Garters Carpet Tacks i Ash Trays EACH Sand Paper Brushes Dessert Dishes Nail Bowl Covers. Pot Cleaners Glass Animals Emerg. Strips Mercurochrome Marbolite Pcs. Fly Swatters Wood Flower Pots Blades CH.

Williams Ca 7 Ta Y..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.